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Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop

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Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop Empty Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop

Post by discovery Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:49 pm

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop



Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 10-effect-1

In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to create this
Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene in Photoshop. We will take several real
world objects and seamlessly blend them together to form this artwork.
We will also use a number of Photoshop brushes to spice up the effect.
Together we will explore the power of Photoshop image adjustment
options, filter effects and layer blending modes. Have a try!

The Files

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop Preview2Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop Download2

Create a new document sized at 1400px by 800px (in fact size doesn’t
really matter here, I chose this size because it fits my screen the
best). Load the Moutain in the Mist by ~ Momotte2stocks in Photoshop, copy and paste the entire image onto your document, use free-tranform (ctrl + t) to fit it to the canvas size.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 1-load-and-resize

Name this layer “misty moutain”. Duplicate it twice, resize and position each duplicated layer as shown below.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 1-dup

Add a layer mask to each of the duplicated layers. On the mask, use a
big, soft and round brush to gently erase the edges so those three
mountain layers seamlessly join together, as shown below.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 1-eraser

Step 2

Now, let’s add some lighting contrast to the mountain. To do this,
duplicate the original mountain layer once and drag it to the top, apply
the following Gaussian Blur settings to the duplicated layer.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 2-gau-blur

Secondly, add a layer mask to this layer like the one shown below.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 2-gau-mask

Change the blending mode of this blurred layer to “Color Dodge” and
reduce its opacity to around 75%, you should have the following effect.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 2-effect

Step 3

Now, let’s add some lighting dynamics and alter the colour of the
image a bit to make it look more surreal. To do so, add the following
adjustment layers on top of all the previous layers you made. (Please
make sure you set the blending mode and opacity according to the
screenshot for each adjustment layer)

Curves - Blending Mode: Normal, Opacity – 65%

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 3-curves

Layer Mask

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 3-curves-mask

Color Balance 1 – Blending Mode: Soft Light, Opacity: 35%

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop Color-balance1

Layer Mask

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 3-col-bal-1-mask

Color Balance 2 - Blending Mode: Multiply, Opacity: 65%

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop Shadows-midtones-highlights

Layer Mask

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 3-col-bal-2-mask

Vibrance - Blending Mode: Normal, Opacity: 90%

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 3-vib

Brightness and Contrast - Blending Mode: Soft Light, Opacity: 100%

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 3-bc

And here is the effect so far.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 3-effect

Step 4

Now, we can add some more texture to the centre portion of the scene to give it a bit more motion. So load the Sunset by ~ night-fate-stock image into Photoshop, and use the rectangular marquee tool to cut out a bright portion of the sky, as shown below.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 4-select-sky

Copy and paste it onto your document and name it as “centre
highlight”, position it in the centre (a bit lower right) of the canvas,
use a soft brush to erase the edges and add the following Motion Blur
to it.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 4-mo-blur

Hit Ctrl + F a few times to re-apply the motion blur filter, then
change the layer’s blending mode to “Soft Light”, with 100% opacity. You
should have the following effect.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 4-effect

Step 5

Now load the Fantasy Castle by ~nixie04
into Photoshop, use whichever selection tool you perfer to cut out the
castle. (Hint: don’t worry if the selection is not perfect the first
time, you can use the Refine Edge tool (Ctrl + Alt + R) to adjust it,
try out different options within the tool to get the best results). Copy
and paste the selection onto the canvas, name this layer “Castle” and
position it as shown below:

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 5-copy-and-paste

(Make sure you use a big soft brush to erase the edges so it blends with the surroundings)

Change the layer blending option of this layer to “Soft Light”. You
can see the building blends itself into the surrounding lighting
environment, which is exactly what we want for this work.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 5-effect

Duplicate this “Castle” layer twice, drag the duplicated layers to
the positions shown below: (use the free transform tool to adjust their
size a bit)

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 5-drag

Keep their blending mode as “Soft Light”, and make sure you take care
of the edges so they blend into the mountain background as well.

Step 6

Now, add some nice cloud texture onto your work. Create a new layer called “cloud”, use the Cloud Brushes by ~JavierZhX
brushset to paint some cloud on the upper portion of the canvas. (Hint:
adjust the flow and opacity of the cloud brush to add depth to the

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 6-cloud

Let’s also add some flying birds to the scene to make it look a bit
more fantasy and surreal. Create a new layer called “Birds” and use the 11 Photoshop Bird Brushes by ~ahoberer78-stock to paint some birds on top of the castle (set the brush opacity to a relatively low level so the birds are not too visible)

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 6-bird-one

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 6-bird-two

Step 7

Now let’s add an ancient gate to our artwork. Load the Mysterious Gate by ~rensstocknstuff
into Photoshop, cut out the gate and copy and paste it onto your
document, name this layer “gate” and set its blendng mode to “Hard
Light”, opacity to 50%. Make sure you erase the edges of the gate with a
soft brush. You should have the following effect.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 7-gate

Add the following Black and White adjustment layer to it, as a clipping mask:

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 7-bw

Duplicate the “Gate” layer and drag it to the top, set its blending
mode to “overlay”, opacity 100%. You should have the following effect.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 7-effect

Create a new layer called “abstract effect”, use the Fractal Brush Pack 02 by ~above-and-beyond and Winter Breeze Brushes by =Axeraider70
to add some abstract effects around the gate, as well as the castle.
Also make sure you vary the flow and opacity of the brush a bit, for
more depth.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 7-paint-1

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 7-paint-2

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 7-paint-31

And this is the overall effect so far.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 7-effect-2

Step 8

Now let’s load the Stormbringer 14 by *Iardacil-stock
into Photoshop, cut out the lady and copy it onto our document, name
this layer “lady” and resize it into the position as shown below. (Set
the opacity to around 80%)

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 8-copy-paste

Like the previous step, use those abstract brushsets to paint around the lady’s body, make sure you cover the her feet.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 8-paint-feet

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 8-paint

Step 9

Ok we’re pretty much done here. Add some final adjustment layers to the artwork for some fine-tuning.

Curves - Blending Mode: Normal, Opacity 75%

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 9-curves


Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 9-cur-mask

Colour Balance - Blending Mode: Color, Opacity 90%

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop Step9colorbalance


Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 9-col-bal-mask

Levels - Blending Mode: Normal, Opacity 100%

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 9-lv


Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 9-lv-mask

Vibrance - Blending Mode: Normal, Opacity 100%

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 9-vib

Here is the effect so far.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 9-effect

Step 10

Before we finish up, I think it would be a good idea to tidy up the
image a bit by reducing some noise. So save your current work as a
different file, flatten the image, and apply the following Reduce Noise
filter to the image.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 10-reduce-noise

Optionally you can add a glowing effect to the image. To do so,
simply duplicate the background layer and apply the following Gaussian
Blur settings to the duplicated layer.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 10-gau-blur

I also adjusted the colour balance and saturation a bit, here is the final effect I have for this tutorial.

Design A Surreal, Ancient Fantasy Scene In Photoshop 10-effect-1

Final Thoughts

I find from personal experience that it sometimes helps if you simply
walk away from your work for a few mintues, play some games or have a
cup of tea, then return. Ok that’s it for this tutorial! Hope you
enjoyed and found it useful!


الجنس : Male

عدد المساهمات : 1002
النقاط : 56417
التقييم : 12
تاريخ التسجيل : 2010-04-28

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