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revolve a line on a sphere

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revolve a line on a sphere Empty revolve a line on a sphere

Post by discovery Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:21 pm

revolve a line on a sphere

I`m gonna show you today a very useful thing in illustrator and i`m
sure this is the easiest way to accomplish this.We are going to revolve a
line on a sphere, from top to bottom. Sounds easy, but it isn`t, if you
don`t know my “easy way”.

Create a new document with the size of 800×100. Why 800×100?

The file size is very important in this case. On a sphere that has
the diameter 100 px, the mapart artboard has the size of 200px. So
revolving the line 4 times on our sphere .. we need 4 x 2oopx. I hope it
makes sense, if not.. you will understand the concept after you read
the hole post.
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Using the pentool or what ever you want, draw a diagonal.
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Now we need to draw 5 lines, which will divide our artboard in 4
equal parts. Make sure that the first line is on the left edge and the
second one on the right edge. After you finished the lines
align(window>align) them using “Horisontal Distribute Center”

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Delete the 2 lines from the edges, because those were only to align
our other 3 lines. Select the diagonal and the linse and divide them
using the pathfinder tool(window>pathfinder).

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Once they are divided ungroup them (Ctrl+Shift+G or
Object>ungroup) and align them left using the align tool
(Horizontal Align Left). After you aligned them, create a new graphic

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Now we can start working on the sphere. Create an circle, delete the left anchor point.
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I should look like this. Now we can do the revolve.

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Let`s go the the revolve menu.. and select mapart..Load the symbol to the mapart.

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Check invisible geometry.. and make sure that your symbol fits perfect on the mapart.

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You can play with the angles for a better view..also you can check Shade Artwork in mapart if you don`t plan to recolor it.

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After you finish, don`t forget to expand the appearance.
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There are 2 clipping paths.. it better to delete them. Now you will be able to do your magic:D.
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Just added some gradient on the front side . Looks pretty good. But imagine what you can do with this trick…

revolve a line on a sphere 3D_Logo_sphere2_xx


الجنس : Male

عدد المساهمات : 1005
النقاط : 54512
التقييم : 12
تاريخ التسجيل : 2010-04-28

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